About Us


Hi, I'm Adam - welcome to RAILstuff, the home of model railway scenery, accessories and support for you!


RAILstuff is a truly independent online retailer, created by modellers for modellers.

Across 2019 and 2020 I picked up the hobby that fascinated me as a child and set about creating a layout from scratch. I did this with my Dad who I spent some time living with during a difficult time in my life - Modelling was a fantastic distraction and helped me through some tough times.


What makes us different?

I want to try and help solve some of the issues I had as an inexperienced modeller. So many things seemed overcomplicated or over-priced. It was difficult to find everything that I wanted in one place. There was an assumption that when searching for things I would know what did what... In my opinion large retailers had got lazy with product descriptions and really don't cater for those trying to learn - bit by bit I want to change that.


RAILstuff commitments to you:

  • We will seek out new, smaller manufacturers and make their products available to you
  • We will not overcharge just to make tonnes of cash (we do need to make a profit though of course!)
  • Every technical product will have a 'layman's explanation' at the top of the product description
  • We will be kind, helpful and courteous to any enquiries made directly to us


We don't have a shop (maybe one day), but trade purely online. It helps keep the costs down and helps us scale up to meet demand quickly.

We are proud to be based in Staffordshire - In the Staffordshire Moorlands to be precise - a stunning part of the country right next to the Peak District and nestled between Stoke and Derby.


"Thank you so much for shopping with RAILstuff - it means a lot to get your trust and support" - Adam @ RAILstuff